Animals Listing By Country Place

animals of world and their habitats

Animals around the world

Every nation on earth offers special opportunities to explore its rich fauna. There are innumerable animal species to explore across the world, from the stately lions of Africa to the cuddly koalas of Australia. We shall provide details on some of the fascinating animals that are present in many different countries all around the world.

Animals of Africa

Africa is home to some of the most amazing creatures on the planet and is well-known for its famous fauna. The “Big Five”—lions, elephants, buffalo, leopards, and rhinoceroses—that are a must-see for every safari aficionado are found across the continent. Hippopotamuses, zebras, giraffes, and cheetahs are some other noteworthy animals. These amazing animals have the ideal habitats in Africa’s huge savannahs and deep rainforests.

animals of africa

Animals of Australia

Australia is home to diverse and often odd animals. The nation is full of amazing marsupials, like echidnas, wombats, kangaroos, and wallabies. One of the world’s natural marvels, the Great Barrier Reef is home to an astonishing variety of marine life, including colorful fish, turtles, and dolphins. Moreover, Australia is well-known for its poisonous animals, which include spiders, snakes, and jellyfish.

animals of Australia

Animals of South America

The amazing biodiversity of the continent of South America is well known. The most biodiverse area on Earth is the Amazon rainforest, which is spread over many nations. An incredible diversity of species may be found here, such as macaws, toucans, anacondas, and jaguars. Some rare species may be found on the Galapagos Islands, which lie off the coast of Ecuador. These include the blue-footed booby, marine iguana, and giant tortoise.


animals of south America

Animals of Asia

Asia is a big continent with a wide variety of animals living on it. Magnificent Bengal tigers may be seen in India’s national parks, including Bandhavgarh and Ranthambore. The severely endangered orangutans of Borneo live in the country’s deep woods. Giant pandas are a well-known feature of China, while Indonesia is home to the interesting Komodo dragons. Asia has a diverse array of opportunities for animal interactions, ranging from snow leopards in the Himalayan Mountains to elephants in Thailand.

Animals of Asia

Animals of North America

There are many famous animals in North America. The United States is well-known for its national parks, which are home to animals including wolves, bald eagles, and grizzly bears. Sea lions, seals, and whales all visit the coastal areas. Canada is well-known for its polar bears, beavers, and moose, while Mexico’s Gulf of California waters are home to a diverse array of marine species.

animals of north America


Animals of Europe

Though it may not be the first continent that springs to mind when considering wildlife, Europe is home to some amazing creatures. The European brown bear is found in nations such as Slovenia, Finland, and Romania. Golden eagles and red deer populate the Scottish Highlands. Loggerhead turtles, dolphins, and monk seals live in the Mediterranean Sea. Given its varied topography, Europe is home to an astonishing diversity of animal species.

animals of Europe