The interesting and unusual Babirusa, often referred to as the “deer pig,” is found on the Indonesian islands of Sulawesi, Togian, Sula, and Buru. Although it is a member of the pig family, this strange-looking animal has a quite different appearance. The remarkable tusks of the Babirusa, which may reach a length of 17 inches in males, are among its most remarkable characteristics. If not worn down from frequent usage, these tusks—which are essentially extended canine teeth that curve backward—can potentially pierce the animal’s own skull.
Because of its long, thin legs and skinny frame, the Babirusa is more nimble and able to manoeuvre through thick woodlands than other pigs. Because of its usually dark brown or black coat, it may blend in well with its natural surroundings. Being an omnivore, the Babirusa consumes a wide range of foods, including fruits, leaves, nuts, and even tiny animals. It can find food in the thick foliage because of its excellent sense of smell.