Animals General Knowledge Questions Practice 14

animals picture animals listing

Table of Contents

Questions related to animal classification, adaptations, behaviour, reproduction, and habitats

Animal field research may provide important data for a variety of objectives, such as supporting wildlife management plans, comprehending animal behavior, and advancing conservation efforts. Researchers may learn more about an animal’s requirements, risks, and interactions with its surroundings by observing it in its natural setting. With this information, conservation strategies that are successful may be created, endangered species can be safeguarded, and sustainable behaviors that benefit animals and their environments can be promoted. Additionally, field research enhances our comprehension of the natural world as a whole and fosters an appreciation for the remarkable variety and complexity of animal life.

Concept of animal classification and the different categories or groups of animals

Understanding the function that animals play in ecosystems is essential to preserving the fragile balance of nature. Scientists can determine the effects of human activity on these ecosystems and create conservation plans by comprehending the ecological interactions that exist between animals and their environments. Since many species have shared predecessors, researching animals may also shed light on our own evolutionary history. Through comparing and contrasting human traits with those of other animals, we may learn more about our own biological background and the forces that have molded us into the species that we are today.


What do you mean by the term Endothermic?

an animal with warm blood that is able to regulate its own body temperature.

What do you mean by the term Equid?

A member of the family Equines.

What do you mean by the term Estrus?

whenever mammal females are prepared to mate.

What do you mean by the term Estuary?

a natural setting created by the collision of freshwater rivers with saltwater oceans or seas.

What do you mean by the term Evolved?

a slow shift of animal species spanning millions of years.

What is the living place of Jaguar?


What is the living place of Platypus?


What is the living place of Hawk?


What do you mean by the term Sensory Hairs?

Insects can sense touch and sometimes smell thanks to tiny hairs that are connected to nerves.

What do you mean by the term Sett?

A badger tunnel.

What do you mean by the term School?

A big group of fish is swimming in close proximity to one another.

What do you mean by the term Silk?

Protein threads created by other insects, such as spiders.

What do you mean by the term Simple Eyes?

Eyes are seen in spiders and other insects that have a single lens.

What is the living place of Shark?


What is the living place of Camel?


What do you mean by the term Egg-tooth?

A young spider’s temporary teeth that it uses to break through the egg sac as it hatches.

What do you mean by the term Elytra?

the hardened, protective covering that covers an insect’s body, primarily its wings.

What do you mean by the term Embryo?

a stage of development of a reptile egg before hatching.

What do you mean by the term Endangered?

an animal species that, unless action is taken to conserve and maintain it, might become extinct in the future.

What is the living place of Seagull?


What is the living place of Prairie dog?


What do you mean by the term Ruminant?

Hoofed mammals have four specialized stomach chambers for effective digestion of plant material.

What do you mean by the term Rut?

A time when antlered ungulates mate. Males often battle, rub their horns or antlers on trees or bushes, and search for estrus females by smell during the rut.
Biology animals knowledge gk practice questions 8

What do you mean by the term Scales?

As in the case of reptiles, an animal’s body is covered in flat plates of keratin for protection.

What do you mean by the term Scavenge?

To consume the flesh of a deceased animal that passed away naturally.

What do you mean by the term Scutes?

Scales that have grown into bony plates, like the carapace of a tortoise.

What is the living place of Panther?


What is the living place of Goat?


What do you mean by the term Ecosystem?

An ecosystem is a natural unit made up of all the non-living physical elements of the environment working in tandem with all the plants, animals, and microorganisms present in a given region.

What do you mean by the term Ectothermic?

an animal that depends on its surroundings for warmth because it is unable to maintain a steady body temperature.

What do you mean by the term Eft?

the stage of certain amphibians’ life cycle between larvae and adults when they live on land.

What do you mean by the term Egg-sac?

A spider female spins a braided silk sack to shield her eggs.

What is the living place of Seahorse?

Seagrass beds

What is the living place of Sloth?

Tree branches

What do you mean by the term Raptor?

A predatory bird, such as an eagle, falcon, or vulture.

What do you mean by the term Regurgitate?

A feeding technique used to feed infants by bringing up food that has already been ingested. mostly carried out by birds.

What do you mean by the term Reptile?

A scaly-skinned, cold-blooded creature that deposits its eggs on land.

What do you mean by the term Roosting?

A bird rests while it sleeps.

What do you mean by the term Respiration?

An animal’s body takes in oxygen from the atmosphere.

What is the living place of Dolphin?


What is the living place of Swan?
